In 2011, Russ completed work on a buzzed about thriller “The Projectionist” opposite True Blood’s Natasha Alam, Cool Running’s Doug E. Doug, Donnie Brasco’s Robert Miano, Twilight Saga’s Kiowa Gordon and The Soprano’s Joseph Gianascoli. Russ plays Jacob Nicks the lead in the film. It is an incredible project into which he poured his heart and soul.
In 2011 Russ gave his most detailed Interview to date for HDSLR film workshops where he discusses the good, the bad and the amusing elements of shooting this film and why it means so much to him.
Read Interview Here
Synopsis: A solider suffering from PTSD attempts to cope with loneliness and paranoia fueled by an eight-month ordeal as a prisoner of war in this psychological thriller.
Visit The Projectionist Website